27 de março de 2010

Ainda sobre a Sally Shapiro...

"My Guilty Pleasure" limited cassette edition (20 copies) available for pre-order
Hi all

The Swedish cassette edition of Sally Shapiro "My Guilty Pleasure" is now available for pre-order! This version of the album is released on Johan's label Husmus Media in the very limited quantity of 20 numbered copies, all signed by Sally and Johan. They are home-made, recorded on Johan's fine NAD cassette deck, there's a fair amount of noise on them but that's part of the charm we think.

The tracklist is the European version of the album (see earlier post) minus "Jackie Jackie" which didn't fit on the C46 tapes. But since there were a few minutes of blank space left we decided to add an exclusive bonus track on the end of side B, so we included a recording of Sally as a child reviewing (in Swedish) the Eurovision Song Contest of 1989.

How to order the tape:
1. Go to www.johanagebjorn.info/sally.html
2. Look for the PayPal button in the right column. (Make sure it's a button for the tape and not the CD, since we will sell the CD later.) If there is no button, the tapes are sold out.
3. Pay by PayPal (the price 80 SEK includes shipping everywhere, only one tape per customer) and we will send you the tape so you get it around the release date (Aug 25th).

seen here

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